Our Services
Legal Services

Having a staff of highly qualified lawyers, Regatta Consult provides an unlimited range of legal services, allowing you to solve the client’s task of any complexity. Practice shows that it is very important to determine the essence of the problem of the client, and only after that to proceed to the selection of ways to solve it, based on the specific features of the client’s business. Thus, our specialists, at your request, will properly study all the materials relevant to your problem with the provision of further recommendations. The basic directions of rendered legal services:
- Registration/re-registration, registration of affiliates and representations, reorganization of enterprises (merging, affixation, separation, singling out and reformation), liquidation and bankruptcy of companies;
- Preparation and compilation of corporate documents for juridical persons, the holding of general meetings of shareholders;
- The emission of securities;
- The optimization of corporate structure and corporate management.
- legal protection of foreign investments, rendering of services to obtain alleviation and preferences for foreign investors;
- consultation and legal practice in the solution of external economic disputes;
- legal accompaniment of foreign companies’ activity;
- rendering of services on the issues of currency control.
- legal audit of land plots and objects of immovable property;
- legalization of ownership rights for land plots and objects of immovable property;
- the change of assignment purposes of land plots from one category into another;
- the accompaniment of deals in the construction sphere;
- the accompaniment of deals with immovable property;
- additional services in the sphere of immovable property;
- the rendering of consultations on the issues of use of mineral resources and protection of environment;
- the compilation and formation of cadre documentation for different organizational-legal forms;
- protection of employer interests in the relations with controlling organs;
- consultation and legal practice in the solution of labour disputes;
- regulation of labour interrelations in holdings.
- consultations on taxation and tax administration;
- filing of protests in court against illegal actions and decisions of tax organs
- the accompaniment of executive procedure processes;
- the determination of material status of debtor;
- interaction with the state organs.
- the preparation of suits and other procedural documents;
- the defence of interests in court;
- consultation and legal practice on issues of acting legislation.
- consultation on issues of state purchases;
- legal and extra-judicial procedures in selling mortgaged property.
- the issue of licenses for different kinds of activity, including the pharmaceutical license, the license for alcoholic production, for the implementation of tourist activity;
- the assistance in the obtaining of licenses and registration of currency operations;
- the obtaining of permissions for the employment of foreign labour, consultations on issues of alternative kinds of employment of foreign labour from abroad.
Accounting Services

The most important aspect in doing business is the place of timely delivery of accounts. Regatta Consult ; provides a full and qualitative range of services in the field of accounting and tax accounting. Our certified specialists will provide quality accounting and tax support to your business, which will free you from the need to keep accounting workers, providing them with office equipment, paying salaries, social needs and so on. But your most important advantage over competitors will be the stability and continuity of the workflow in the field of accounting and taxation. Moreover, we conscientiously bear all risks for the work done by our company, as we realize the importance of the services provided
- current accounting under all registers;
- salary calculation;
- calculation of taxes and tax collections;
- • drawing up of the quarterly account and tax declarations in tax committee on a local action;
- • representation of the statistical reporting in bodies of the statistical account;
- • conducting and delivery of the special forms of statistical account.
Office work

We believe that the quality of the company’s employees, as well as the optimization of their work, play a key role in the formation and development of business. Our firm at a professional level assists clients in the field of Human Resources Management, from the creation of personnel administration processes to the management of personnel on an ongoing basis. Trained by the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (labor legislation in particular), our specialists will work out the personnel policy of your company and will promote its development taking into account the peculiarities of your business.
- Staff Schedule
- Work plan of the department
- Orders for personnel
- Job descriptions of employees (functional duties)
- Reporting, reports, statements, certificates of employees to management
- Orders for the granting of holidays
- Orders for a business trip
- Personal affairs of employees
- Personal cases of dismissed workers
- Personal cards of employees (Form T-2)
- Journals of the movement of labor books and loose leaves to them
- Unclaimed labor books
- Annual reports on personnel work
- Reports on the military registration of persons liable for military service
- Books of orders on personnel
- Books accounting contracts, contracts, agreements
- Documents on granting motions for awarding employees
- Journals of business trips
- Worker’s holidays logs
- Journal of Accounting for the issuance of certificates from the workplace
- Hospital record books
- Documents for recording working hours (time sheet)
- List of employees
- Journals of workers’ arrival to work
- Documents for workarounds
- Documents for accounting of protocols
- Orders of an industrial nature
- Books of industrial orders
Subscriber servicing

By subscriber legal servicing we mean not only the rendering of standard kinds of services to the customer (for example, the introduction of changes into the founding documents), but also the solution of legal problems that may arise daily in the course of current activity. That is why while concluding an agreement for subscriber servicing you get a personal legal-consultant for your company who builds the interrelations and coordinates the whole work in this direction between you and the lawyers of Regatta Consult .